Rainbow Bridge

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picture for her personal page
Registered Name: Renaissance Mariah
Call Name: Mariah
Date of Birth: 1/19/2009
Date of Death: 3/10/2020
ISWS Registration #: 2009-BZ02/01
Sire: Kristull Fallon-ISWS Registration #: 2003-102/02
Dam: Katz Dharma At Renaissance-AKC Registration
#: HP14906201
Height: 24.5" at 4 years old
MDR1 Status: Clear
Collie Eye Anomaly: Clear
Degenerative Myelopathy: Clear
Heart: Normal (OFA #SWH-CA182/89F/S-VPI)
Eye's: Normal (OFA #SWH-EYE72/89F-VPI)
Thyroid: Normal (OFA #SWH-TH237/88F-VPI)
DNA: Verified by Veterinary Genetics Laboratory
(VGL# ISW729)

Please click on his
picture for his personal page
Registered Name: UKC CH' & GRC CH' Tangaloor
Call Name: Joss (Co-Owned with Breeze Binns)
Date of Birth: 5/8/2013
Date of Death: 11/30/2019
ISWS Registration #: 2013-392/03
UKC Registration #: A640,274
Sire: Tangaloor Alamogordo-ISWS Registration #:
Dam: Tangaloor Boys On The Side-ISWS Registration
#: 2011-316/01
Height: 18.75" at 5 months old and 20.75"
at 6 months and 21.75" at 7 months and 22.25" at 8 months
and 22.5" at 1 year old
MDR1 Status: Clear
Collie Eye Anomaly: Clear
Heart: Normal (OFA #SWH-CA241/15M/S-VPI)
Eye's: Normal (OFA #SWH-EYE35/15M-VPI)
Thyroid: Normal (OFA #SWH-TH239/14M-VPI)
DNA: Verified by Veterinary Genetics Laboratory
(VGL# ISW767)

Pictured at 8 weeks old
Registered Name: Satsuma Ziggy Stardust
Call Name: Ziggy
Date of Birth: 6/10/2016
Date of Death: 08/20/2017
Dam: Renaissance Satsuma On Ice ISWS Registration
No: 2012-376/01
Sire: Tangaloor Bushwacked- ISWS Registration
No: 2013-392/03

Pictured at 4 years old
Registered Name: Yon-Dell Prima Donna
Call Name: Ling Ling
Date of Birth: 07/06/2005
Date of Death: 12/3/2016
Sire: Blake's Prophet Maker
Dam: Touche' Painted Daisey
Height: 10"
Weight: 6.5 pounds

Pictured at 8 weeks
Registered Name: Satsuma Mystery Train
Call Name: Presley
Date of Birth: 5/16/2015
Date of Death: 07/07/2015
Sire: Tangaloor Bushwhacked- ISWS #: 2013-392/03
Dam: Satsuma Diamond Kuts- ISWS #: 2014-429/08

Pictured at 4 years old
Registered Name: Yon-Dell Betty Davis Eyes
Call Name: Betty
Date of Birth: 10/14/2004
Date of Death: 08/13/2014
Height: 9"
Weight: 3.5 pounds

Pictured at 4 years old
Please click on her picture
for her personal page
Registered Name: Showboat's Kiki's Skiddle Diddles
Call Name: Skiddles
Date of Birth: 7/19/2005
Date of Death: 10/13/2010
AKC Registration #: TR42652704
Sire: Showboat Keanu Reeves-AKC Registration #:
TP325993/01 01-06
Dam: Tochi Kichona Kiniro Tenshi-AKC Registration
#: TO000455/02 04-03
Height: 9"
Weight: 5.5 pounds
Heart: Normal (OFA# JS-CA105/51 F/C-VPI)
Eye's: Normal (CERF# JS-328/2009--52)
Patella's: Normal (OFA# JS-PA65/39F/P-VPI)
Thyroid: Normal (OFA# JS-TH3/38F-VPI)
CHIC Certificate for passing all required health
tests from the Orothpedic Foundation for Animals (CHIC#: 61205)
DNA: Verified by American Kennel Club (Profile #: