Satsuma Blanche Devereaux "Blanche"

Pictured at 2 years old

Pictured at 2 years old

Pictured at 2 years old

Pictured at 2 years old

Pictured at 2 years old

Pictured at 2 years old

Pictured at 2 years old

Pictured at 2 years old

Pictured at 2 years old

Pictured at 2 years old

Pictured at 2 years old

Pictured at 2 years old

Pictured at 2 years old

Pictured at 2 years old

Pictured at 2 years old

Pictured at 1.5 years old (Photo Credit to
olyhillary photography)

Pictured at 8 weeks old

Pictured at 8 weeks old

Pictured at 8 weeks old

Pictured at 8 weeks old

Pictured at 8 weeks old

Pictured at 6 weeks old

Pictured at 6 weeks old

Pictured at 6 weeks old

Pictured at 6 weeks old

Pictured at 6 weeks old

Pictured at 2 weeks old

Pictured at 2 weeks old

Genetic Results Link
Registered Name: Satsuma Blanche Devereaux
Call Name: Blanche
Date of Birth: 01/14/2020
ISWS Registration #: 2020-804/06
UKC Registration #: B360,961
Sire: Entourage Rocket Man- ISWS Registration
#: 2017-614/01 UKC Registration #: A989,567
Dam: Tangaloor One More Kiss- ISWS Registration
#: 2017-640/06 UKC Registration #: B116,833
Height: 22.25" at 1 year old
MDR1 Status: Clear
Collie Eye Anomaly: Clear
Heart: Normal (OFA# SWH-ACA152/19F/P-VPI)
Eye's: Normal (OFA# SWH-EYE425/21F-VPI)
Thyroid: Normal (OFA# SWH-TH536/20F-VPI)
CHIC: Normal (OFA# 164982)
DNA: Verified by Veterinary Genetics Laboratory
(VGL# ISW1694)