UKC CH' Satsuma Rebel Rebel "Rebel"

Pictured at 2 years old at the Lakeland, FL
UKC Show

Pictured at 1 years old

Pictured at 1 years old

Pictured at 1 years old

Pictured at 1 years old

Pictured at 12 weeks old

Pictured at 12 weeks old

Pictured at 12 weeks old

Pictured at 12 weeks old

Pictured at 8 weeks old

Pictured at 8 weeks old

Pictured at 8 weeks old
Pictured at 8 weeks old

Pictured at 8 weeks old

Pictured at 6 weeks old

Pictured at 6 weeks old

Pictured at 6 weeks old

Pictured at 6 weeks old

Pictured at 6 weeks old

Pictured at 4 weeks old

Pictured at 4 weeks old

Pictured at 4 weeks old

Pictured at 4 weeks old
Pictured at 4 weeks old

Pictured at 2 weeks old

Pictured at 2 weeks old

Pictured at 2 weeks old

Pictured at 2 weeks old


Genetic Results Link
Registered Name: UKC CH' Satsuma Rebel Rebel
Call Name: Rebel
Date of Birth: 06/10/2016
ISWS Registration #: 2016-547/04
UKC Registration #: A910,565
Sire: Tangaloor Bushwacked- ISWS Registration
# 2013-392/03 UKC Registration # A640,274
Dam: Renaissance Satsuma On Ice- ISWS Registration
# 2012-376/01 UKC Registration # A613,170
Height: 20.5" at 1 year old
MDR1 Status: Clear
Collie Eye Anomaly: Clear
Heart: Normal (OFA# SWH-CA335/13F/P-VPI)
Eye's: Normal (OFA# SWH-EYE168/13F-VPI)
Thyroid: Normal (OFA# SWH-TH377/28F-VPI)
DNA: Verified by Veterinary Genetics Laboratory
(VGL# ISW1253)